Our Mission

restoring freedom, hope, and dignity



The International Justice Mission is a global organization fighting to end slave trade everywhere. They work to rescue slaves, coordinate with police to throw slave owners in jail, and ultimately put the slave trade out of business. IJM works with local police to rescue girls out of human trafficking and places them at the House of Light. Young girls are set free from their bondage in slavery and are resourced to live a life of hope.


The House of Light provides a safe place for these young girls to be housed and restore hope. At the House of Light, they are provided with therapy to work through trauma, safety from traffickers, and love from the staff. Through a combination of restoration, safety, and encouragement, they are able to see a new hope that has never been offered to them before.


Once the girls are safe, the House of Light provides opportunity to restore dignity. We provide access to education, training for vocational skills-such as sewing and beekeeping- as well as therapy to communicate the value that each individual has.